Refund & Return

Refund & Return

  1. In the unfortunate event that you require a refund for a part of all of your order, please contact us via email or call us on 0402313150
  2. All items need to be returned to the warehouse within 14 days of you receiving the order.
  3. All items returned must be brand new and in resalable condition; refund or exchanges will not be issued if item or items are not in the same condition as when they were sold.
  4. Buyer is obligated to pay for the return shipping back to us.
  5. If a purchased item is faulty or damaged, we swap it without questions asked. We only need proof in the form of a digital photo.
  6. If you no longer require your order but notified us before the order has been shipped, we will provide you with the full refund straight away.
  7. Please return the item with your order number to 12 Donaldson St, Bentleigh, Vic 3204